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Curriculum Intent Statement

• Geography at Priory Academy aims to allow student experience the wonder of our world through physical and human lenses. Students should be able to express themselves and think critically on the journey they are on and how it is shaped by global forces allowing them to find their place in an everchanging landscape

• Students are exposed to a curriculum that encourages knowledge and curiosity. Individual talents are harnessed so each students experience in the subject offers a wide view of a range of complex topics. This promotes spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development in order to enrich their cultural capital. Global events are highlighted and their impact is examined on the individual and the wider world

• Specialist language is used throughout and students are encouraged to build fluency in this. Promotion of language allows for greater expression of opinions and insights which allow all students to feel valued and having their views recognised. Students are given the opportunity to study a variety of global cultures and examine their understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments along with the key processes that shape it. • The curriculum is designed to enable the students to make secure and informed choices based on past and present events in order to shape a sustainable future for the world around them and to prepare them for our ever-changing society we live in today.

The Purpose of Knowledge Organisers

A knowledge organiser sets out the important, useful and powerful knowledge on a topic. For students to succeed in Geography, they must have a foundation of factual knowledge, understand those facts and be able to apply them to a specific context. We at Priory Academy believe that the use of knowledge organisers can enhance and further students’ learning, therefore we are building them into our curriculum and are encouraging the use of them at home for home learning purposes and for revision. Please click on the correct year group and term for the current knowledge organiser being used.

Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 3

Year 7

In Year 7 students build on the units studied at KS2. They start by completing a unit focused on their geographical skills which is then reinforced throughout Key Stage 3 and 4.  The students will study topics such as:- Continents and climatic regions of the world, development and a country study of Russia. 

Year 7 Curriculum

Year 8

In Year 8 Students build on prior understanding gained from previous topics in Key Stage 2 and 3 such as rivers, hazards and population.  Students also start to develop knowledge on how to prepare for their GCSE

Year 8 Curriculum 

'Year 9 will study 4 units this year that develop and build upon their topic work from KS2 and early KS3. These units also link to their GCSE, if they choose to study Geography at this level. After Easter, students start Paper 3 of their GCSE which is aimed at preparing them for the workload and engaging them before the Summer, starting this early also gives them a taster of GCSE Geography before they choose their options. The topics vary from Natural Hazards to the Emerging Powers of China.' 

Year 9 Curriculum


Students across all year groups will be assessed in geography through various means including, essay style questions, tests, stories and classwork.  There will be an emphasis on SPAG in all year groups and in particular the use of geographical vocabulary and using capital letters for places.

Fieldwork Opportunities 

Where possible fieldwork activities will be offered to students to help bring the subject alive. This may be local or further afield.

The department is now registered with the Royal Geographic Society and the Geographical Association, which brings with it exciting opportunities at all Key Stages.

Useful Resources

Digimaps – students can get username and password from their Geography teacher

TeachitGeography – useful for KS3 and KS4 revision and resources.

Key Stage 4

In GCSE Geography we follow the Edexcel B specification.  The units include:- Hazardous Earth, Development Dynamics and the UK's Human and Physical Landscape.  These topics are divided into three papers which are assessed at the end of Year 11.  Paper two also includes compulsory fieldwork which is undertaken over two days.

Year 10 CurriculumYear 11 Curriculum

Year 7 Knowledge Organisers

Year 8 Knowledge Organisers

Year 9 Knowledge Organisers

KS4 Knowledge Organisers

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