
It is through good attendance that pupils maximise their full potential, enhancing their life chances for the future. Missing school means missing out on learning and this can have an impact on a child’s development and attainment. There is a strong statistical link between attendance and attainment.  Our attendance target is 96%.

The law states that children of statutory school age who are on roll at a school or academy must attend regularly and punctually. Regular attendance is important, because it is the best way of ensuring children make the most of the educational opportunities available to them.

Attendance Matters:

  = number of days absent Approximate number of weeks = number of lessons missed
90% 19 Days 4 Weeks 114 Lessons
85% 29 Days 6 Weeks 174 Lessons
80% 38 Days 8 Weeks 228 Lessons


How to report your child as absent

You can view your child’s attendance on EduLink.

Attendance letters will be sent through Edulink if there is an attendance concern.


Please click on the link below to view our attendance leaflet

School Attendance Leaflet August 2024

Attendance policy (Scholars' Education Trust policies)

School Fines Poster


If you are having issues getting your child to school please contact us and select the Attendance option for advice and support.

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